
Internal Audit

  • Study and Evaluation of Systems
  • Evaluation of Business Process
  • Development of Operation Manuals
  • Risk Assessment Audits
  • Concurrent Audit
  • Fraud Investigation
  • Certificate on Legal Compliance
  • Client specific services

The primary focus is reviewing existing internal controls and procedures through compliance testing methods and evaluating its effectiveness. Suggestions for improvisations are offered by through value added services and cost effective improvement techniques that help to increase the efficiency and achieve greater commercial gains.

We undertake business process evaluation for clients, to help them redefine their business processes, so that human efforts are channelized in the right direction to achieve the ultimate objectives.
A comprehensive, client-specific manual on systems and procedures developed across all business functions within the organisation, is part of job-lists.

Risk assessment audits identify the potential risks in the areas of finance, operations, human resources and even in management decision-making. The audit targets at mitigating risk where we recommend the highly effective risk assessment programs, controls and risk assessment processes to our client.

Concurrent audits are done to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial transactions and compliance with predefined policies and procedures. We also perform routine transaction audit services in the owner’s interest to ensure proper maintenance of accounts.

We have handled specific assignments, many kinds of certifications which are tailor made to the clients’ requirements. They include special investigations conducted on mandates from business owners to probe into a perpetuated fraud within the organisation or misuse of funds or to deface the prevalent fraudulent practices within an organisation.

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